2017년 6월 19일 월요일

Wrap text around a circle in 123d design

Wrap text around a circle in 123d design

Unfortunately, 123dx doesn't have any function to draw a curved text like this
So, u want to draw a curved text in 123d design, should use Photoshop.
This is the Process.

1. Wrap text around a circle - in Photoshop
2. save as SVG - in online site
3. import that SVG file - in 123d design

This is the detail works for that process

In Photoshop
1. ellipse shape on transparent back (this circle size should be similar size with 123dx circle size you are drawing)
* forgive typo "a words". sorry

2. type words you want at around the shape (text cursor is changed to waved line)


3. save as PSD file, only text not ellipse (photoshop file)
4. convert that psd to SVG in vector(down drop menu)
    - https://convertio.co/kr/  Korean site;; find your country site -

In 123d design
4. Import that svg as sketch (Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk Graphic)

5. Work! (extrude, size etc)
tip - first of all, you should extrude the text because svg has many lines, that must be an object.

tip - you can delete svg now

size down

over your own shape

extrude as substract

Thanks for watching